Bone Health
Sonoran Orthopaedics offers evaluation and management of bone health for both trauma and lifestyle conditions, such as Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and related fractures.
Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density that can render you susceptible to fractures. Osteopenia is low bone density that can put you at risk for Osteoporosis.
Our doctors can discuss a variety of treatment options, from lifestyle to medication to actively monitor and manage bone health.
Post Traumatic Bone Infections, Amputations and Revisions
Our experienced physicians will carefully assess any factors affecting wound healing and utilize a team approach to individualize patient care.
Conditions We Treat


Post Traumatic Bone Infection

Amputations & Revisions
Our Mission
We stand for excellence and set the standard for advanced techniques in orthopaedic surgery and fast track rehab to get our patients up and moving quickly and safely.
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Corporate Location
3501 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 136, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
PHONE: (480) 874-2040
FAX (480) 874-2041
[email protected]