Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist
Sonoran Orthopaedics specializes in elective shoulder surgery, restoring mobility and freedom from chronic pain to stiff shoulders due to trauma, arthritis, or rotator cuff arthropathy. Our surgeons specialize in reverse total shoulder replacements to help restore shoulder mobility and function.
Sonoran Orthopaedics specializes in Shoulder Replacements and Revisions to repair or replace arthritic joint surfaces. We also specialize in treating trauma and inflammation to the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, such as rotator cuff tears or frozen shoulder.
Sonoran Orthopaedics specializes in restoring mobility and freedom from chronic pain to stiff elbows due to trauma, arthritis or tears.
Non-Surgical Alternatives
Non-surgical alternatives to common shoulder and elbow injuries include pain relievers, physical therapy, rest and biologics. Our surgeons perform a thorough evaluation and will discuss all of your treatment options.
Conditions We Treat

Shoulder Replacements and Revisions

Rotator Cuff Tear

Frozen Shoulder

Elbow Reconstruction

Stiff Elbow

Complex Fractures of the Upper Extremities
Advanced Surgical Techniques

Shoulder Partial, Total and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthoplasty

Computer-Aided Arthroscopic Surgery
Our Mission
We stand for excellence and set the standard for advanced techniques in orthopaedic surgery and fast track rehab to get our patients up and moving quickly and safely.
Quick Links
Corporate Location
3501 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 136, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
PHONE: (480) 874-2040
FAX (480) 874-2041
[email protected]